Wedding Songs Blog

The Wedding Songs Blog is where I publish golden nuggets of information about wedding songs and other wedding-related goodies that I find along the way.

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Butterfly Waltz: A Perfect Modern Wedding Prelude or Processional Song

Tired of hearing the same worn-out prelude or processional songs? The Butterfly Waltz, a delicate contemporary, yet appropriate song, could be your answer.

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Best Wedding Ceremony Music

Don't let choosing your wedding ceremony music be a chore. Do it the quick and easy organized way...

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Wedding Processional Songs

List of Wedding Processional Songs and tips for the wedding procession

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Traditional Wedding Prelude Music

Looking for suitable traditional wedding prelude music? Get the ball rolling with these 2 lists.

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Wedding Prelude Songs: The Little Secret

Find wedding prelude songs tips and best traditional and contemporary songs for your preservice music

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Wedding Violin Music

Wedding violin music resources listed, including CDs and sheet music form

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